Soroptimist International of Los Angeles
Aug/Sep 2016 Vol. 8, Issue 1
Wed. Sept 7 6:00-800pm: Business Meeting @ Taix Restaurant
Sat. Oct. 1 9:00-3:00pm: CRR Fall Workshop @ 1st Baptist Church, Alhambra
Sat. Oct. 15: SILA cooks breakfast @ Downtown Women Center
Jul 30-Aug 3, 2018: SIA Convention - Yokohama, Japan.
Dear <<First Name>>,
I am honored to have been elected President of Soroptimist of Los Angeles for the 2016/2017 year. I am excited and looking forward to a year full of unknown possibilities for SILA. This year we are moving forward in meeting the goals and vision of ensuring we provide the best for women and girls.
We are off to a great start this year with our annual retreat, which was held on Saturday, August 27. I would like to thank Joyce who did an outstanding job in the planning of this retreat, from securing the location at Dignity Health Medical Center, to making sure we had a healthy lunch to keep us moving through the afternoon. I also want to thank Julie for the tasty desert - chocolate flourless cake - Yummy! All the members in attendance provided awesome ideas and suggestions. We had a GRAND planning meeting! Our goal this year is to continue to increase our service to women and girls, and our commitment to SILA.
The first Board/Business meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7 at our favorite meeting place Taix Restaurant. We will have a full agenda to start the year off fully focused on meeting our goals and objectives we have laid out for a successful year.
Our first service project will be held at the Downtown Women's Center in October, cooking breakfast for the many women who visit the Center on a daily basis. We also our looking forward to the Fall Workshop, also scheduled in October. We are off to a busy new year!!!
President Daphyne
- SIA Convention in Orlando
- Reconnecting with SI Nagoya
- Leadership Training - and More
- Where in the World is Carole Oglesby?
- Ideas Abound at Planning Retreat
- 18th Annual CCR Fall Workshop
- 2011-2015 SI Quadrennium Brochure
SILA's Website
Camino Real Region
Federation (SIA)
International (SI)
2016-17 BOARD:
President: Daphyne Howell
1st VP: Joyce Jacob
2nd VP: Amy Poulos
Secretary: Lessie Caballero
Treasurer: Jeri Durham
Director 2016-18: Jessica Washington
Director 2015-17: Diane Vernon
For more information about SILA or this Newsletter, please contact:
President Daphyne Howell at daphynehowell@hotmail.com or 323-401-7774
Editor Janet Elliott at jvelliott88@gmail.com or 310-809-2438
Webmistress Ann Read at annr@earthlink.net or 626-919-9202
 SI Los Angeles was well-represented at the recent 44th Biennial Soroptimist International of the Americas Convention in SUNNY Orlando Florida, by members Gloria "Ginger" Cole (our new Camino Real Region Governor), and Sheila Tatum, CRR Parliamentarian and SILA convention delegate. The convention's theme was "Telling Our Story" and was well organized with many repeating workshops that provided ample opportunity for all 29 Camino Real Region conferees to participate and share information. In total, there were 809 attendees representing 13 countries in our Federation.
The convention agenda did not include business transactions affecting bylaws or policies and procedures which would have required club voting. Despite this, the convention did present future programmatic plans which will require club endorsement and participation. Many current programs such as the "Live Your Dream" and "Dream It~Be It" are now developed to include additional steps and reporting. "Our Next Big Goal" was introduced which will premier with our centennial celebration in 2021: "Invest In the Dreams of One Million Women and Girls through Access to Education by 2031".
  Both Ginger and Sheila were invited as the honored guests of the Japan Chou Region for their Region Dinner on the second night of the conference. SI Nagoya is a friendship link with SI Los Angeles. This event was held at the Wyndham Hotel. The evening included an exceptional four course dinner which the Chef described as his take on "tastes of the world". A live "Kabuki" performance followed which told the  story: "The Tale of Dojyo-ji" (temple)--a classic traditional dance which describes the passion of a woman in love. This is a favorite dance because of the beautiful Kimono costumes. This was an exceptional evening which provided for the development of acquaintances and friendships. Ginger and Sheila were seated at the table of honor--and Ginger was seated next to the Emperor's cousin!
This was a great convention. All members of SI Los Angeles are encouraged to attend future conventions which will give you a good look at Soroptimist and the significant impact our organization makes for women and girls. The 45th Biennial Convention is scheduled for July 30 - August 3, 2018 in Yokohama, Japan. Put it on your calendars!

Following the SIA Convention, SILA was honored to host Mikiko Suzuki. She is a 20+ year member of the SI Nagoya, SILA’s Friendship Link in Japan.
Mikiko was in Los Angeles from July 24 to 27 after attending the Convention in Orlando where she spent time with Ginger and Sheila. She toured the Downtown Women's Center with Jessica Washington and Joyce Jacob. And President Daphyne facilitated a tour of 1736 Family Crisis Center. She a lso toured Olvera Street with Sheila, Joyce and Jessica to get some of the "flavor" of old Los Angeles as well as UCLA where she purchased many souvenirs for her Middle School basket ball team who are all UCLA fans. She had lunch in the Los Angeles Athletic Club hosted by Julie Mairs with Ginger and Joyce in attendance.
She provided all of SILA’s members with lovely folded paper origami cranes and chop sticks that were prepared by her club.
We are all invited to Japan for the Biennial SIA Convention in 2018.
 Camino Real Region's annual Leadership Summit was on Saturday, August 13. It was well attended by SILA's board members Amy Poulos, Jeri Durham and Joyce Jacob, as well as CRR Governor Ginger Cole and Regional Parliamentarian, Sheila Tatum, who of course, are also SILA members.
It was a long day dense with a lot of information and procedural requirements.The highlight of the day was SILA member Sheila Tatum's presentation on parliamentary procedure! She managed to make a very dry topic entertaining and digestible. Sheila has agreed to redo her presentation at one of our regular meetings.
The rest of the meeting was filled with deadline information, how-to's, and trying to make a tower out of spaghetti, tape, string, and a marshmallow. Don't ask.
by Janet Elliott
 If you’re a friend of SILA member Carole Oglesby on Facebook, you’ve seen an array of international postings in the last year: Cairo, Egypt; Taipei, Taiwan; Lausanne, Switzerland; Botswana, South Africa; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. What up?!
Carole is in the middle of a 4-year term as Co-Chair of the International Working Group which will be putting on the 7 th IWG World Congress on Women & Sport in Gaborone, Botswana in 2018.
Carole admits she’s always been a feminist. Since the early 1970’s, she’s been active in collegiate championships, the Olympics, and the United Nations, always trying to get these organizations to recognize women in sport and particularly the role of sport in women’s empowerment.
 Sport has long been recognized as a means for developing male leadership skills. But for decades Carole’s presentations about the benefits to women who participate in sport were met with blank stares. Even the UN Commission on the Status of Women, which she calls her “hardest sell”. But recently, things have changed. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon – and of course, taking credit for the idea that sport is good for women!
But Carole is not satisfied with just words in a policy statement. She wants them to be enacted – and for women and girls to be specifically included.
So our Carole continues to lead the charge for equality, recognition and support for women in sport.
 SILA's annual end-of-summer Planning Retreat was great fun! Held on Saturday, August 27, it was wonderful seeing everyone again.
 We met at Dignity Health California Medical Center's Archive room, which was filled with gorgeous historic nursing photographs and articles.
There were a lot of great ideas discussed for the upcoming year, including ways to increase membership, fundraising, and programs.  The room was electric with enthusiasm – even if the pictures don’t show it!
The wonderful lunch was catered by Urth Caffe, and Julie brought in an incredibly decadent flourless chocolate cake, which we enjoyed after singing Happy Birthday to Sheila!.
18TH Annual Camino Real Region Fall Workshop
Hosted By Soroptimist International of Alhambra/San Gabriel/San Marino
First Baptist Church of Alhambra
101 South Atlantic Blvd. – Alhambra, CA 91801
Saturday, October 1, 2016
9:00 – 3:00 p.m.
(Continental Breakfast at 8:30 a.m.)
Please make checks payable to Camino Real Region.
Marty Laff, Registration Chair
19931 Eagle Ridge Lane, Porter Ranch, CA 91326
- Registration fee, if postmarked on/before 9/15/16 is $40.00, after 9/15/16, the fee is $50.00 (Note: Registration fee includes breakfast, lunch, and workshop materials).
- Please send ONE CHECK per club with a list of attendees
The 2011 - 2015 Quadrennium brochure Educate, Empower, Enable includes features on both See Solar, Cook Solar and Birthing in the Pacific, plus two projects from each of the Federations and lots more. A PDF of the brochure is available to read or for download by clicking on the image below.
