Soroptimist International of Los Angeles
August/September 2015                                                                    Vol. 7, Issue 1

pink reminderSILA's first Business Meeting of the year: September 2nd @ Taix French Restaurant, 6 P.M.

Program meetings: September 16th, October 7th and October 21st.

Annual Awards/fund raising luncheon March 19, 2016 at the LA Athletic Club
President JoyceDear <<First Name>>,

ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS is demonstrated by the active role that each SILA Member will take on this coming year. Our role is active on a Region and Club level.
On the Camino Real Region level are the following roles: Governor-Elect Ginger Cole, International Goodwill and Understanding Chair Carole Oglesby and Spring Conference Coordinator Sheila Tatum.
Each SILA Member has an active role in the activities of SILA. When asked to participate, everyone answered with a “Yes!” and “What can I do?” There is support to start the year by already having a date for our fundraiser and a nominated COMMUNITY HERO. More information will follow after our Business Meeting.
Soroptimist of the Americas (SIA) has two vital programs that provide the future for women and girls. The LIVE YOUR DREAM is for women with primary financial responsibility for their families to obtain the skills-training and education necessary to improve their employment status and standard of living for themselves and their families. The women that receive this financial award can cover the cost associated with their educational efforts, including tuition, books, child care and transportation. Carole Oglesby is our Live Your Dream (LYD) Chair and she wants applications from anyone you know that will qualify.
The second program from SIA is DREAM IT, BE IT. Jessica Washington and Sunny-Kim Barden are Co-Chairs for this program. At our Business Meeting we will be deciding our participation in this program. WE have a great suggestion on how to work with a school and a Community organization. Again more information will be coming after our Business Meeting. SILA is heading in the active role toward girls improving their lives; that is a mandate for all girls from 14-18 years of age. The leadership of SILA Members is outstanding and what better role for girls to learn the variety of backgrounds and careers of our members. SILA Members are leaders to have girls work toward their dreams and that is our mission!   

President Joyce

- Planning Retreat
- SILA Social at the LA SPARKS game
- Camino Real Region Leadership Meeting
- Amazon Smile: You shop. Amazon gives.

SILA's Website
Camino Real Region
Federation (SIA)
International (SI)

2015-16 BOARD:
President: Joyce Jacob
1st VP: Carole Oglesby
2nd VP: Daphyne Howell
Secretary: Bev Johnson
Treasurer: Jeri Durham
Director 2014-16: Barbara Jury
Director 2015-17: Diane Vernon

For more information about SILA or this Newsletter, please contact:

President Joyce Jacob at or 626-222-9316

Editor Janet Elliott at or 310-809-2438

Webmistress Ann Read at or 626-919-9202



Hollenbeck Palms and Barbara Jury again welcomed the SILA summer planning retreat Saturday, August 15th. Although the main focus was on the Awards/Fundraising luncheon, other topics discussed included general fund raising, SIA “Dream it, Be it” program, events and programs and membership. President, Joyce Jacob led the planning with members Carole Oglesby, Sheila Tatum, Jessica Washington, Joan Johnson, Lessie Caballero, Amy Polus, Barbara Jury, Diane Vernon and Bev Johnson contributing.  Designated items were identified for progress reports to be presented at the September 2nd.  Business meeting. All agreed that much had been accomplished and the SILA was about to begin another very successful year.

Sila at Sparks gameThe summer social activity was a Sunday afternoon at a LA Sparks game. 

The Sparks team is a women’s professional basketball team playing at Staple Center in downtown Los Angeles.

The game against the Chicago Sky team was close and well played. 

The Sparks won the game and the SILA members enjoyed the afternoon together.

Ginger Cole, CRR Gov-ElectSaturday, August 22nd was the Camino Real Region leadership meeting in Valencia.  SILA members- Camino Real Region Governor-elect Ginger Cole, President Joyce Jacob, Sheila Tatum, Carole Olgesby, Jeri Durham and Bev Johnson were among the 54 Soroptimists attending.
Warm up activities included words and pictures to describe a club’s present position and where plans for the future will improve and change its character. A presentation reviewed the SIA “Dream It, Be It” program with clubs having plans in place describing their programs as an example to other clubs. 
The “speed dating” activity with CRR Committee Chairs rotating every 10 minutes to each of the 7 tables to provide great information and an opportunity to ask club specific questions, was a highlight. 
All participants left the meeting with enthusiasm for the upcoming year and a wealth of information and ideas to take to clubs.

by Amy Poulos
amazon has created an easy way for charitable organizations to receive donations. will donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to a U.S. Charity of the buyer’s choice.  Most purchases are eligible, excepting recurring “subscribe & save” purchases and subscription renewals.  Amazon Prime accounts work with AmazonSmile, too.  There is no cost to the charitable organization.

Purchases for this purpose is the sale price, not including shipping and handling, gift wrapping fees, taxes, service charges, rebates, or returns; just the price of the product itself. Donations made through AmazonSmile are made by the AmazonSmile Foundation and cannot be claimed as tax deductions.

Registration is simple.  You can register for AmazonSmile by going to and selecting Soroptimist International of Los Angeles as your charitable organization.  Just type the organization name in the search box, or even just “Soroptimist” and click on our group.  That’s it!  From that point on, log on to (not and 0.5% of most of your purchases will be given to SILA.  Amazon will remember your selection so you only have to register once.