Soroptimist International of Los Angeles
October 2014                                                                                     Vol. 6, Issue 2

Oct. 1 (6-8pm)
- SILA Program Meeting at Taix French Restaurant. Guest Speaker: CRR District II Director Ana Marie LeNoue
Oct. 3 - Soroptimist Founders Day
Oct. 11 - International Day of the Girl
Oct. 15 (6-8pm) - SILA Program Meeting at Taix French Restaurant
Oct. 18 (8:30am-5pm) - Fall Workshop at Northridge Women's Club. "Leading the Wave of Change Together"
Oct. 22 (11:30am-1pm) - Legendary Ladies Luncheon at Taix French Restaurant. Celebrating the 104th Anniversary of Los Angeles Policewomen.
July 20-23, 2016 - Plan ahead! 44th SIA Convention at Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort in Orlando, Florida.
President JoyceDear <<First Name>>,

Can you believe it is FALL?! We are definitely taking action in the FALL with our theme Action Speaks Louder Than Words.
We started our yearly SILA Program meeting with an outstanding speaker, Cathy Hillman, LA for UN Women. See Carole Oglesby’s article below.
We are committed to the following Soroptimist Programs:
LIVE YOUR DREAM (former WOA) is due November 15, 2014, Teresa is the Chair. Please submit names to her for the Live Your Dream application.
DREAM IT, BE IT! Career support for Girls. This is our planning year and Jessica is our Chair. We need every SILA Member to be on the Planning Committee. Our plan is due February 15, 2015.
SOROPTIMIST CLUB GRANTS FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS: Daphyne is working with 1736 on this grant which is due March 15, 2015.
SOROPTIMIST DISASTER GRANTS: provided by donations.
October 3rd reminds us of our Founders Day and Founders Pennies. What a great Soroptimist legacy!
At our next Program Meeting on October 1, we are having an induction for two new members, Amy Poulos and Lessie Caballero. Amy said that she is looking forward to her “new adventure.” So come with us on that adventure and also hear our speaker, Camino Real Region District II Director Ana Marie LaNoue inform us of the WAVE OF CHANGE.
And on October 18, we have eight SILA members attending the Fall Workshop in Northridge.
This FALL, we are definitely unique women doing unique activities.

President Joyce

- U.N. Women - a Match!
- Founders Day and Founders Pennies
- Ending Domestic Violence
- SILA and the LA Policewoman
- Images from Vancouver

SILA's Website
Camino Real Region
Federation (SIA)
International (SI)

2014-15 BOARD:
President: Joyce Jacob
1st VP: Carole Oglesby
2nd VP: Daphyne Howell
Secretary: Bev Johnson
Treasurer: Teresa Harvey
Director 2014-16: Barbara Jury
Director 2013-15: Julie Mairs

For more information about SILA or this Newsletter, please contact:

President Joyce Jacob at or 626-222-9316

Editor Janet Elliott at or 310-809-2438

Webmistress Ann Read at or 626-919-9202


Cathy HillmanSILA began its program year of 2014/2015 on September 17 in great style. Our honored guest and speaker was Cathy Hillman, the Founder and President of the Los Angeles Chapter of United Nations Women.

The mission of UN Women LA is as follows: “We are dedicated to bettering the lives of women and girls worldwide. Our programs and projects reflect the values and aspirations of the many communities we serve.” As loyal Soroptimists, it was easy to see that we have much in common with the UN Women LA Chapter.
UN Women LACathy told us about their Yogathon project, when yoga studios and facilities across Los Angeles use the day to celebrate the peace of the movement form and the healthful practice it offers to women in their hectic lives.
Longer term, UN Women LA are fully committed to take all necessary steps to enable Los Angeles to be designated as a “UN Safe City”. They are hopeful to enlist SILA, and other like-minded organizations to join in this effort. Cathy is, by training and practice, an architect who has traveled all over the world to create safe and green spaces for people to live and work.

We were very fortunate to be able to spend time with her at our inaugural program meeting.

Founders PenniesSoroptimist celebrates Founders Day on October 3, which acknowledges the day in 1921 when the first club in Alameda County, California called to order its first business meeting. The collection of Founders Pennies is linked to Founders Day.

The Founders Pennies tradition began during World War II to collect one penny from each Soroptimist for each year of Soroptimist’s existence. At that time it was used to help re-establish clubs in Europe that had disbanded as a result of the war.

It has since been increased to 6 pennies from each member for each year of Soroptimist existence and is now used to fund SIA’s programs that support our Soroptimist mission to improve the lives of women and girls.

Thank you, all SILA members, for each voluntarily donating $5.58 ($.06 times 93 years) to this legacy program when you paid your annual dues last June.
CRR Chair Naomi Carmona-Morshead has requested a joint proclamation to raise awareness of the fight to end domestic violence. This request was sent to the Mayor of LA and local representatives.

The next step is to have a date in October or November to receive the proclamation. It will be requested that each SILA member distribute cards with hotline information on them to five different businesses in our area to promote safety from domestic violence for women.

Watch for more information on this hands-on activity.
SILA Member Julie Mairs shared this link on the celebration of the 104th anniversary of Los Angeles Policewomen.

Muriel MorseAs she noted, it is important to remember that a Soroptimist, Muriel Morse of SILA, directed the development and modernization of the classifications open to police women in the LA Police Department while she served as the first woman to manage the LA City Department of Personnel. The result of that work was the creation of a career ladder for women police officers.
Muriel was a president of the Soroptimist International of the Americas in 1971, Soroptimist International in 1976, and a LA Times Woman of the Year. Click here for more about this notable Soroptimist.
Images from Ginger Cole and Sheila Tatum's trip to Vancouver for the 43rd SIA Convention.